Josie Adams

Extreme Runner

About Josie

Age 27
From Bristol, UK
Can't live without Good food, live music and green spaces


From Morocco to Peru, Josie has competed in some of the toughest running events in the world. She especially enjoys running in deserts where she finds the extreme conditions are most challenging: "I really can't get enough of running in them! My favourite has to be the Peru's coastline part of the Ica desert where I was racing last year"

Josie loves to run in her The Edge sunnies: "I wore The Edge for 10 hours straight and they were a joy to run in. It’s great to finally find a pair of sunnies that do the job well - they’re super comfortable and perform well in changing light conditions"

Fin out more about Josie in this interview 

What Josie wears

Josie on Instagram