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What is Infrashield?

Cab9 Eyewear on


Some of you have been asking us, what exactly is the Infrashield™ lens technology we use in our Technical range of sunglasses, so here's the lowdown.

The main feature of our Infrashield lenses is an infra-red filter that blocks near-infrared rays. These days, protection from the sun has become increasingly more important, especially for people like us who spend much of our time exposed to harsh sunlight conditions. Most decent sunglasses should protect your eyes from ultra-violet rays (UVA/UVB), but that doesn't mean your peepers are shielded from the harmful effects of other rays in sunlight's spectrum. The energy from the sun that reaches the earth has a high percentage of infrared radiation that can cause discomfort or potentially even damage the corneas if your eyes are exposed to it for extended periods.

We worked with our lens manufacturer to produce a lens that would be a step up in comfort and protection from traditional lenses offered by other sunglasses brands. We needed a lens that would not only fully protect our eyes, but also provide outstanding quality of vision, especially in situations where light conditions change rapidly, for example when riding down a slope at speed through shady patches and back into bright sunlight. The end result is a lens that exceeded our expectations and consistently receives positive feedback from our riders and customers.


Infrashield protects your eyes from the sun's harmful effects and reduces eye fatigue by decreasing the heat caused by infra-red rays that dries and tires the eyes. With our Infrashield lenses, you can notice your eyes are more relaxed compared to other sunglasses lenses, even in intense sunlight. Not only does Infrashield provide the highest levels of protection from the sun, but the light spectrum of the lens enhances colours compared to a regular lens, providing ultra-sharp definition so that detail is clear even in rapidly changing light conditions, like mountain biking through a forest, or when contrast is low, for example, skiing in flat light.

In addition to all this, Infrashield lenses are polarised, so they block glare created by sunlight bouncing off reflective surfaces like snow or water.

If you're looking for the highest level of protection and comfort for your eyes then you can enjoy the benefits of Infrashield with any of our The Edge or C9X models.